Imagine a 15 seat van, bright red crossing the border. Would you be suspicious of the content inside? As the team tried to bring in the donated shoes it, they tried to be as calm and cool crossing the border. Everyone inside the van was eager to get across and praying nothing would stop us. As we slowly entered the border, a beep goes off, we where instantly flagged for move over the shoulder for further investigations. Guards came to us and had asked us what where we carrying? We couldn’t lie so we told them we were brining in donated shoes for orphanages in Mexico. They screened the whole van, and had denied our entry way, because they said it was not the proper way to bring in donated goods. This was a huge blow for the team, as time was running out. Having to cross over the US entry line we met Javier, humanitarian helping collect donations for this church. We chatted a bit, and got some interesting information about bringing in used clothing. Apparentl
y, Mexico has become strict in entering the country with goods. Almost all these goods brought in had to be taxed, even if used. With the hard work and preparation that was done, it was hard to accept that we have to pay more for doing something good for their country. As a team we brainstormed on our next step, but one thing is for sure, we wanted to make it across no matter what. There was no going back without having to deliver these shoes and seeing happy faces. Waiting in the line, we managed to give out some shoes to a mother and her daughter.
Afterwards, with the help of Javier, we found out there is another way to get the shoes across, first is the formal way, having proper authorization and letters from churches, which at this moment is not a possibility. Then the other option; we decided to go to the other smaller border crossing, “Otay”. As we were chatting it up with Javier we were entertained with US border police in action. The guns drawn, as they caught a car, about two lanes over, with immigrants being smuggled in the country. All eyes were on the car, and waiting for the immigrants to come out of the trunk. This somewhat helped with the time spent waiting in the car crossing over the US side. Luckily no shots were fired, and everyone was able to cross safely.
As we got back in the US side, we decided to keep pushing for our goal to cross over. Otay was our only way in, so this time around it worked! With the team praying hard, it was a miracle that we were able to cross. Of course the girls a few tricks with softening the situation with the guards. “Winks, flirty hello’s”, and warm smiles did the trick. So adventure continues…
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